
DC Family Business Forum

About DC Family Business Forum

The mission of the DC Family Business Forum is to promote and foster the growth and ongoing success of family businesses through learning, sharing and creating effective solutions regarding the critical issues and challenges confronting family businesses in the Washington, DC metropolitan region. Presentations and seminars are supported entirely by multi-disciplinary sponsors who are involved in working with family businesses as part of their routine practice.

Attendance to lectures and presentations sponsored by the DC Family Business Forum is offered by invitation only to a limited number of family-owned businesses. Participation in activities is restricted to invitees and sponsors. An invitation is extended by sponsors to family businesses who have the ability to benefit from and participate in the lecture series. Invited businesses will generally have a family member with controlling interest in the business and at least one family member currently employed in the business.


Baker Tilly short bio
Cardinal Bank short bio
Greenberg, Wexler & Eig, LLC short bio
J.P. Morgan short bio
Reed Smith short bio

Ellen Perry

Ellen Perry currently works at Wealthbridge Partners, a firm that helps large, multigenerational families manage their wealth and family dynamics. As founder and managing partner, Ellen provides practical advice for wealthy families dealing with family challenges, preserving wealth for family children and helping to ensure that future generations lead grounded, meaningful lives in and out of the family business.

Key takeaways from Ellen’s presentation:

  • Complexities of family wealth, particularly around closely held businesses
  • Preparing the rising generation to become thoughtful stewards
  • Transition family wealth and values while understanding the next generation’s aspirations
  • Create a blueprint for family governance